fashion connect ireland - anneliese's vision - made in ireland

Revitalising 'Made in Ireland' Brand

a symbol of excellence and innovation in the global fashion scene


Fashion Connect Ireland's goal is to revitalise the 'Made in Ireland' brand by supporting brands through CMT services, closing the skills gap with training programs, and educating consumers to cultivate a thriving ecosystem celebrating Irish fashion heritage.


To revitalise the "Made in Ireland" brand, making it a symbol of excellence and innovation in the global fashion scene.


We achieve this vision by supporting Irish fashion brands in several key ways:

Empowering Brands:

We offer comprehensive Cut-Make-Trim (CMT) services, streamlining production and enabling brands to focus on design.

Fostering Local Manufacturing:

We encourage and support brands to manufacture locally, strengthening the Irish fashion industry.

Bridging the Skills Gap:

We address the need for skilled workers through training programs, ensuring a future for Irish garment production.

Educating Consumers:

We raise consumer awareness of the value and craftsmanship inherent in Irish-made clothing.

Building a Collaborative Ecosystem:

We create a thriving network where designers, manufacturers, and consumers work together.

Celebrating Heritage:

We connect consumers with the rich tradition of Irish fashion, fostering a sense of community and pride.

Driving Sustainable Growth:

We promote sustainable practices and economic prosperity within the Irish fashion industry.

Join us:

Be part of our commuinity building a vibrant future for Irish fashion!

fashion connect ireland anneliese duffy fallons business awards
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